
 Get tips to learn how you can upskill and retool to take your tech career to the next level.

Here are a few tips to help you crush your next interview.

1. Research and Prepare Research the company and industry before the interview. This will help you to prepare for common interview questions.

2. Practice, Practice! Practice does make perfect. Come up with a few practice interview questions and develop strong, concise answers for them. Remember to highlight your experience and skills.

3. Prepare Tough Questions Develop questions for the interviewer. This will help to convey your interest, confidence and intent.

4. Keep Calm and Stay Positive Remember, you got this! Use active listening and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Take notes to help you stay focused.

5. Follow Up Send a thank-you note after your interview. Discuss points from the interview and reiterate your interest.

6. Don’t Give Up Searching for a job is hard work. Keep pushing. Stay focused. 

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