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Due to the pandemic, remote work has become more and more common. So what are some things that you can do to remain productive when working from home?

1. Stay Organized Make sure to plan and write down your task and goals to ensure that you are staying on track. Categorize and share your work with tech tools like Google Drive and DropBox.

2. Create a Focus Area Working from home can sometimes be a distraction, so create a focus area in your home. Creating a designated work area will help to build a boundary between work and nonwork. 

3. Communicate Check-in with colleagues and bosses to help increase your work’s accuracy and reduce your confusion. Communication also allows for everyone to share their ideas and track each other’s progress.

4. Use Tech Effectively Take time to master virtual tools such as Zoom and Google Meet. There could be a learning curve that would cause unnecessary delays in your productivity. 

5. Get a Healthy Work-Life Balance Remember not to overwork yourself and create a firm schedule for work and personal time.

6. Stay Positive The pandemic has been stressful and can also make working from home stressful. Remember to stay positive and take breaks to unplug from work. 

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