Explore Tech Talent Accelerator gets you “Tech Ready”

Explore Tech Talent Accelerator helps BIPOC entry level job seekers get hired. Each cohort will participate in culturally relevant programming to help job seekers get "Tech Ready".

Explore Tech Talent Accelerator is program of the Inclusive Tech South Foundation funded in part by Microsoft Philanthropies. Inclusive Tech South Foundation is a 501c3 non profit organization committed to addressing inequities in the technology sector by delivering programs focused on advocacy, community and education to bridge the digital divide.

Next cohort starts August 2024.


The Explore Tech Talent Accelerator will accept entry level job seekers into a 12 week cohort to participate in weekly session providing tools and resources to help them get hired in the technology sector. Each participant will be paired with a dedicated mentor experienced in their career of interest who will provide personalized guidance and support throughout the program. To ensure a strong alignment between participants’ skills and professional goals, we will administer skills assessments to help job seekers develop a personal career path and plan. Job seekers who successfully complete the program will be placed in a paid position with an employer partner looking to build diverse and inclusive teams.

There is no cost to participate in Explore Tech. 


About Us

The mission of the Inclusive Tech South Foundation is guided by our vision for Inclusive Innovation, which suggests that diversity, meaning representation across various backgrounds, cultures, races, gender, and regions, offer experiences and perspectives that ultimately produce the best technology, stronger, more resilient communities, and overall economic sustainability.  The program priorities of our organization address the systemic inequities that hinder access to professional pathways and opportunities that can build generational wealth. Through culturally relevant programming, Inclusive Tech South Foundation is addressing inequities in technology through advocacy, community and education.


access + equity + opportunity


Culturally Relevant Curriculum

  • A space for exploring professionals to learn about career pathways in technology
  • Industry leaders to support career advancement through mentorship and coaching
  • A global network of Black and Brown technology professionals
  • Access to employers that value inclusion and equity

Session One: Intro to Technology

Session Two: Building Your Professional Brand

Session Three: Career Mapping and Planning

Session Four: Purpose Driven Job Search

Session Five: Mastering Your Technical Interview


  • Over 18 years of age
  • Interested in a career in tech
  • Currently looking for work
  • Lives in the Greater New Orleans Area
  • Available for in-person classes Thursdays 6pm- 8pm
      *Program commitment is 5 hours each week.
Become an explore tech ambassador

Mentors Wanted

Ambassadors help job seekers with their career path through mentorship and coaching, classroom instruction and online engagement.

  • Over 18 years of age
  • 10+ as a professional in the technology industry
  • Can commit to 1-2 hours each week in mentorship and coaching
  • Available for hybrid instruction
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